Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions from Industry Regarding Non-Credit Course Development:  

How can these courses address our specific skills gaps and training needs?

Stan State can tailor courses to directly target the skills your workforce needs most, ensuring training directly translates to improved performance.

Can these courses be delivered on-site or customized for our company culture?

Absolutely! We can offer flexible delivery options, including on-site training, to accommodate your scheduling and company environment.

How will these courses improve employee engagement and retention?

Investing in employee development shows you value their skills and growth. Engaging courses can boost morale, motivation, and loyalty.

What are the cost benefits compared to traditional training methods?

Non-credit courses can be cost-effective, especially when customized training is considered for a specific group. Additionally, upskilling your workforce can improve productivity and reduce costs associated with turnover.

How can these courses keep our employees current with the latest industry trends?

Stan State and faculty actively research and stay current on industry developments. Courses can be continuously updated to ensure your employees possess the most sought-after skills.

Is there a way to measure the impact of these courses on our business?

We can develop courses with clear learning outcomes and assessments. Additionally, post-course surveys and tracking performance metrics can help measure the impact on your business goals.

Can these courses be offered online or in a blended format?

Yes! We understand busy schedules. We offer flexible delivery options like online modules, allowing employees to learn at their own pace, and blended formats to combine online and in-person components.

How can we leverage Stan State’s expertise and resources for our training needs?

Stan State has access to a wealth of knowledge and experienced faculty and subject matter experts (SMEs). We can tailor courses to incorporate industry-specific best practices.

Can these courses be offered in a way that minimizes disruption to our workflow?

We can work with you to design courses that fit your schedule. This may include offering training after hours, on weekends, or in shorter,  more convenient modules.

Can these courses be used for employee development plans or continuing education units?

Non-credit programs can provide valuable learning experiences that contribute to employee development plans. While credit may not be applicable, some courses may offer certificates of completion to enhance employee resumes. Below are the steps we recommend parties first consider if interested in earning CEUs if required to maintain licensure:

1. Verify License Requirements:

  • Licensing Board: Visit the website of their specific licensing board. Most professional licensing boards have websites that clearly outline Continuing Education requirements (CEUs) for maintaining licensure. Information may be readily available online or require contacting the board directly.

2. Review License Renewal Notice:

  • Detailed Information: Many licensing boards send renewal notices that include specific information about  CEU requirements for the renewal period. This information might include approved CEU providers, acceptable course topics, and reporting procedures.

3. Consult with HR:

  • Internal Resources: Your company’s HR department can be a valuable resource. They might be aware of upcoming CEU workshops, have established relationships with approved providers, or offer reimbursement programs for CEU costs.

4. Explore Approved CEU Providers:

  • Licensing Board Website: The licensing board website typically maintains a list of approved CEU providers. This ensures employees choose educational opportunities that meet the board’s specific requirements.
  • Professional Associations: Professional associations often offer CEU-approved training programs and conferences relevant to their fields.