Stan State CRAFS Fellow Application 2024


Funding awarded by USDA Award No 2021-77040-34884 “Career Ready Ag Food Safety (CRAFS) provides an opportunity for the selection of a senior level student (90+ units) to be identified as the “Stan State CRAFS Food Safety Fellow.”

The CRAFS fellows will receive the below amounts for academic year 2023/2024:

  • $15,000 for graduate tuition support
  • $7,900 for a stipend
  • $1,300 for a laptop

Who can apply?

Senior students at Stanislaus State with 90 or more units who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Priority will be given to traditionally underserved minorities, first-generation college students, and those majoring in fields related to food safety/food science, agriculture, or other STEM-related majors. Business majors with an interest in agriculture, food safety, and food supply chain will also be considered.

Prior to accepting the fellowship, the recipient will attend the Warriors Leadership Program (Emerging Leaders Track). The Emerging Leaders Track consists of:

  • Attend six (6) workshops, one from each leadership theme
  • Complete ten (10) hours of community service

Enter all workshops and community service hours into Warrior Life with reflections.

Application Instructions

  1. Name and contact information
  2. Personal essay
    • ≤ 1-page (12-point font, 1-inch margins, single-spaced)
    • Please address the following questions
      • What is your background/life history (≤ 300 words)?
      • What are your long-term career goals as related to food safety/food science or a STEM-related (≤ 200 words)?
      • How would the financial support provided by the USDA CRAFS grant enable you to advance your academic progress and career goals (≤ 300 words)?
  3. Obtain two letters of reference
  4. Resume
  5. Unofficial transcript

We recommend that you carefully develop your personal essay.

All documents should be provided as PDF files with your first and last name included in the file name.

Application Deadline

Applications are due on October 1, 2024. Decisions will be made immediately upon review of all applicants.

For questions, please contact:

Aubrey Priest –

Ayruba Siedu –

Apply Here