Fall 2022 Course Schedule


Visit the Online Class Schedule, Stanislaus State Current Student page, and Stanislaus State Academic Calendar for additional information. 

Core Courses


  • OM 5630 (41983) Seminar in Quality and Productivity Management - Professor Stacy Parkinson
    6pm-8:40pm, N 101


  • CIS 5620 (40480) Computer Information Systems - Dr. Charles Hendricks
    7:20pm-10pm, DBH 104
  • MKT 5410 (41667) Marketing Management - Dr. Saejoon Kim
    6pm-8:40pm, B 234


  • ACC 5110 (40036) Management Accounting - Dr. Xuehu (Jason) Song 
    6pm-8:40pm, DBH 100
  • MGT 5900* (41650) Business Strategy - Dr. Jarrett Kotrozo
    6pm-8:40pm, DBH 164

*MGT 5900 is the capstone course and is taken when the following prerequisites are complete, ACC 5110, FIN 5210, MKT 5410, and two of the following: CIS 5620, MGT 5310, or OM 5630. The program recommends taking CIS 5620 or an elective with MGT 5900. 


  • FIN 5210 (41168) Managerial Finance - Professor Sean Byrne
    7pm-9:40pm, B 233
  • MGT 5310 (41648) Business Organization, Theory, and Behavior - Dr. Randall Brown 
    6pm-8:40pm, B 111

Elective Courses


  • ACC 5150-001 (40037) Federal Income Tax Research - Prof. Tim Firch
    6pm-8:40pm, S 137


  • FIN 5330 (41169) Int’l Financial Management - Dr. Andrew Wagner
    6pm-8:40pm, B 113
  • MGT 5100 (41647) Organization and Admin Theory - Dr. Edward Hernandez
    6pm-8:40pm, S 137
  • MGT 5400 (41649) Strategic Leadership in Orgs - Dr. Andrew Hinrichs
    6pm-8:40pm, N 322


  • BUS 5040-001 (40275) Introduction to Business Analytics - Dr. Orestis Panagopoulos
    6pm-8pm, DBH 106 (Must register for both sections of Bus 5040) 
  • BUS 5040-001 (40275) Introduction to Business Analytics – Dr. Orestis Panagopoulos
    8pm-10pm, DBH 106 (Must register for both sections of Bus 5040) 


  • ACC 5040-001 (40034) Data Analytics for Accounting - Dr. David Zhu
    6pm-8:40pm, N 201 (Must register for both sections of Acc 5040)
  • ACC 5040-002 (40035) Data Analytics for Accounting - Dr. David Zhu
    8:50pm-9:50pm, L 257 (Must register for both sections of Acc 5040)

Spring 2023 Evening MBA Electives

Tentative elective schedule may post by October 2022. 

Visit the campus map for building locations. 

  • B = Bizzini Hall (Building 2)
  • DBH = Demergasso-Bava Hall (Building 21)
  • L = Library (Building 1)
  • N = Haraghi Hall (Building 35)
  • S = Science 1 (Building 9)

Disclaimer: Changes may occur without advanced notice. It is the program’s intent to schedule core classes on the same day each term, with one elective offered each day (due to unforeseen circumstances, this may not always be the case). Elective course offerings and dates will rotate.